Japanese English *…Required item Please enter your name. Please enter your address. Please enter the date of stay.* Please select the number of people.*1-2 people3-4 people5 or more Please select the room type you stayed in.*【Supervised by snow peak】Elegance suite【Supervised by snow peak】Active suiteExecutive suite Please select the number of times you use the hotel.*For the first time2-3 times4 times or more Please choose the reason why you got to know our hotel.*home pageTV commercialNewspapers / magazinesSearchSNSFamily / friends / acquaintancesOther If you select "Other" above, please enter the details if you like. Please choose the purpose for which you came to our hotel.*To spend leisurelyTo enjoy a mealTo enjoy the experienceFor sightseeingTo enjoy natureOther If you select "Other" above, please enter the details if you like. Who did you come with?*AloneWith familyWith a lover or spouseWith acquaintances and friendsOther How was the staff's response?*1 DissatisfiedIs pleased 1012345678910 How was your meal (room service, TAKIBI LOUNGE, etc.)?*1 DissatisfiedIs pleased 1012345678910 How was the comfort of your room?*1 DissatisfiedIs pleased 1012345678910 How was the price setting?*1 DissatisfiedIs pleased 1012345678910 How was the appropriateness of measures against coronavirus infections?*1 DissatisfiedIs pleased 1012345678910 How was your overall satisfaction?*1 DissatisfiedIs pleased 1012345678910 Would you like to stay again next time?*1 Do not thinkThink hard 1012345678910 Would you recommend our hotel / resort to your family and friends?*1 Not recommendedBe sure to recommend 1012345678910 If you have any notices or requests, please enter them.